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BES2100 lesson - 12
Monday, September 7, 2009

Today will be our second last lesson. Supposedly, today is the last lesson as next week is considered as study week. Today, there will be some group presentation and while the group who is going to present today prepare all the necessary things, Mrs. Suma showed us our mark for script. I got 11/20 which can be considered just pass but this is not the final mark, Mrs. Suma said. Linda who is the ECU lecturer will be marking the script again, so there is a possibility that might get higher marks or lower marks. After all had return the script back to Mrs. Suma, the first group went to present their Work Life Balance Project. After they have present finish their project, all the other group are suppose to ask question from the presentation if we didn't ask question, Mrs. Suma will be the one asking questions.
Today, only one group is presenting so after their group have finish presenting, we are suppose to discuss and finish up our project for the presentation next week. My group went to study room to discuss about the project. There was some argument in the group about what to put inside the slide and which idea is right or wrong. That's it for the day.

the green frog signed off @ 11:51 PM

BES2100 lesson - 11
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When i first came to class, i was surprised that i came early this time. There was no one in the class except Mrs. Suma. Most of the students came a few minutes later. After all had settled down, Mrs. Suma asked all of us to discuss for our minutes that we had to pass up next week. While discussing for the minutes, Mrs. Suma open a video which she had to show us but it is still buffering.
My group were discussing about our meeting for the industry project and this meeting, we were going to put it inside our minutes. We took around 1 hour to discuss for the project. After we had discuss finish, Mrs. Suma gave us a break of 15 minutes. Mrs. Suma called a technician for a speaker so that the whole class can hear the video while the break.
Mrs. Suma showed a video of Richard Branson, the Chairman of Virgin company. The Video is about the work life balance. Richard Branson is explaining about his company that he has about 50000 employees. It is also telling about his life story on why he put the company name Virgin and what he likes to do. The video is 30 minutes plus, after Mrs. Suma showed finish Richard Branson video, Mrs. Suma showed us another video of Cameron Johnson.
Cameron Johnson is a successful businessman who starts his business at the age of 9. He Owned a total of 12 business at the age of 21. This video tell the story of how Cameron Johnson get motivated to be a successful businessman. When Cameron Johnson was young, he wanted to stay at the hotel room where home alone2 scene takes place. Donald Trump makes a special arrangement so that Cameron Johnson family was able to stay at that room. Since that day Cameron Johnson has set his mind that he wanted to be a businessman just like Donald Trump.
The video last for 8 minutes and Mrs. Suma dismissed the class. She reminded us that we had to pass up our minutes on the next lesson..

the green frog signed off @ 8:00 AM

BES2100 lesson - 10
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I came late for class by 10 minutes. The time i enter the class, Mrs. Suma told me to quickly get a seat and open the website that she wrote on the board. This website is about a game called lady bugs maze. I dunno what i learn from playing this game and i find it not so relevant to the module. Quite a few students was late for class and Mrs. Suma was quite agitated by this action. Mrs. Suma instruct all the late comer to quickly play the games and finish at least 2 stages.
Once all had finish playing the game, Mrs. Suma asked us to do the minutes. All gather in their own group and discussing about the industrial project. Before my group has yet to start the discussion, Mrs. Suma showed us Belbin Team Roles at youtube. The video shows all the 9 types of roles and it also describes the strength and the weakness of each of the roles.
After We finished watching the video, we continued our discussion for the project. At first, my group wanted to talk about trading company but in the end we choose to do on Macdonald. I start writing the minutes on announcement but before i could finish the other point, the class was already dismiss. There are some other group that has wrote many points. Our group was taking a bit too long on deciding what company we should talk about. That's was the whole activity for the day.

the green frog signed off @ 9:02 AM

BES2100 lesson - 9
Monday, August 17, 2009

Today is the day that we have to pass up our script. I was late for class because i have to go and print the script. It was quite crowded at the library.
Almost half of the classmates were going into the class together after the printing. Mrs. Suma said that we came very late and it took her for what she gonna teach, so we pass up our script and get seated. Afterward, she asked us to do the scenario 2 which is on "Preserving our heritage". This scenario, we did it as a group and we have to find out what is the problem and give solution.
The next thing she asked us to do is minutes. We will be doing minutes in our working life later and it can tell whether we have been or we have not been going for the meeting held. Minutes is part of the assignment and it is 10% of the module point. After Mrs. Suma had finished explaining on how to do and what to do for the minutes, she dismisses the class.

the green frog signed off @ 6:55 AM

BES2100 lesson - 8

The lesson that Mrs. Suma teaches today is about problem solving. There are 4 steps to it, the first is to define the problem. To define a problem, one must gather relevant information and find the causes. The second thing is to solve the problem by giving alternative ways. Thirdly is to evaluate and select the best alternative solution to the problem solving. Lastly is to implement the solution and follow up can be exercise by getting feedback.
The next thing that Mrs. Suma instruct the class to do is to read a scenario about "Moving up in the ranking". We are asked to find an alternative solution for this problem. There are a few teams inside the class, each team gives different alternative. At the end of it, we will choose the best alternative solution and solve the problem.
Mrs. Suma gave us another activity which is straw. we need to create a group of 6 and each member must have a finger touching the straw. The straw must be put in position which is in our chest and slowly bring it down until our hand touches the floor and bring it up again. If happens that on the way bringing the straw to the floor, one of the group member didn't touch the straw, the group have to redo it from the start.
The last activity that Mrs. Suma gave was the puzzle activity. Each group are given a package contain a puzzle. We have to solve the puzzle. In the end we found out that we have to solve the puzzle by combining it with another group puzzle. This teaches us about teamwork between the class.
The last activity ended our lesson for the day and on the next lesson we have to pass up our script.

the green frog signed off @ 5:57 AM

BES2100 lesson - 7
Friday, August 14, 2009

When i came into the class, Mrs. Suma asked to do the questions on giving voice to values. There were a few short question but it is quite hard to answer it. After we have done with the questions, Mrs. Suma asked us to read the Lisa Baxter case which is about values. We have to understand the important point in this article as Lisa Baxter case has 3 scenario that we have to write about in the script. The scenario is about how Lisa Baxter is facing a sexual harassment in her work place. The class came out with a few of good point about what Lisa should do for this problem. One of the point was suggesting that Lisa should record the conversation of how the senior manager tried to harass her but this can affect her reputation or her boss might sacked her out of the company. There some other good points as well. At the end of the day, we have to do the script on Lisa Baxter and pass up on the next 2 lesson.

the green frog signed off @ 7:10 AM

BES2100 lesson - 6
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When i first come to class, i didn't expect that i was 2 minutes early because i was waiting for the shuttle bus quite long. Mrs.Suma showed us a youtube website,"Ideas as the currency of the future (Saatchi&Saatchi) by Kevin Roberts." This youtube website that she showed us is talking about creating a new ideas. Mrs.Suma teaches us about the 4 temperament which consist of open or free area, hidden area, blind area, and unknown area. Open or free area is about own self action which is known to other people as well as own self. Hidden area talks about a people side which is hidden and its not known to the outsider, they kept a secret to themselves. Blind area is an area whereby only people can see this part of you without you know about it. Unknown area is where people and our self don't know about it.

The next thing is that Mrs.Suma gives 4 riddles, each riddle is being put at the end of each corner. All the students have to see which riddle suit their personalities most. I choose a riddle which is a catalyst group. It talks about honoring a person difference. After all have chosen their riddle, every group have to give an example for the meaning of this riddle. We gave quite a few example for this riddle and after all had done their examples, Mrs.Suma gives us a break of 15 min. She told us that we had to go to computer lab after the break.

After break, Mrs.Suma asked all of the students to go into 1 website called www.keirsey.com. We had to answer 71 questions from the website. I got guardian as the result. After we had finish the test, we are allowed to go home, so once i finish i went home straight away.

the green frog signed off @ 9:51 AM